[EN] ESP8266 and I2C LCD 16×2

This article writes a library to operate character LCD modules using I2C bus operation, which uses a PCF8574 module designed to connect to the LCD. This makes it possible to use 2 command pins from ESP8266 to command the LCD module’s 8 pins, namely RS, R/W, EN, A, D0, D1, D2 and D3 simultaneously enable/disable the module backlight of LCD and the LCD module character sharpness can be adjusted from the variable resistor located on the PCF8574 module.

(Figure. 1)

[EN] ESP8266+RoboServo

This article is an example of programming in Python to operate a DC electric motor called a servo motor, and when a servo motor is used to drive the wheels on the left and right, it can easily work as a wheeled robot. Also, an example program of this article is to commands the movement of a wheel-driven robot to move forward, backward, turn left, turn right and stop.

(Figure. 1)

[EN] Hi, MaixPy

This article introduces the features of the Sipeed M1w dock suit board, which is a board designed to process AI on edge devices, enabling IoT applications to support artificial intelligence computing by using the KPU K210 chip as the core of computing.

(Figure. 1)

[EN] ESP8266+ST7735s TFT LCD 0.96″ 80×160 RGB

From the article ST7735S 0.96 ″ 80 × 160 TFT LCD, the features and functions of the pins are discussed with an example of how to connect to the TTGO T8 ESP32. In this article, an example of how to implement a display module with the ESP8266, which has lower memory than ESP32, thus we had to solve the problem by compiling the library to bytes with mpy extension code.

(Figure. 1)