From previous articles, all of you probably know that the team has experimented with Microcontroller including creating games. But in addition to that, the team is also experimenting with 3D printing. In this article, we will talk about 3D printing in brief.
This article describes the use of the ST7735s module with the ESP32-S2 microcontroller via the TFT_eSPI library. We have previously discussed its implementation with the ESP32 and STM32F103C microcontrollers, and the chosen TFT module as REDTAB80x160 (added code for GREENTAB80x160 at the end of the article), but you can adjust the settings to other modules, see the User_Setup.h file of the TFT_eSPI library as shown in Figure 1.
Based on the previous article that uses a single esp8266 for controlling the Agent, the number of pins that the esp8266 microcontroller (as written in the MicroPython article about machine.Pin) is limited. Many of the pins are used at boot up causing unintended errors such as the wheel spinning when the system starts and stops when the system finishes booting, etc. Therefore, in this article, a microcontroller board LGT8F328P is added as shown in Figure 1, or the reader may change to other Arduino family microcontrollers, such as Arduino Nano or Arduino Uno, etc. by giving that LGT8F328P is part of the Actuator that acts as a movement in the environment. It can be commanded to go forward, backward, turn left, turn right and stop, reducing the workload of the esp8266 and making it more responsive to WiFi communication.
Figure 1 LGT8F328P is integrated into a robotic car system to control the movement
From the article recommending the use of the board STM32F030F4P6 that uses serial communication with the use of additional libraries that do not have enough memory. So we try to use SoftwareSerial of Arduino framework and use pins PA10 and PA9 to connect to RX and TX of USB-RS232 Converter Module as shown in Figure 1 and try to use it according to the settings of Arduino IDE as shown in Figure 2 and order toggle LED connected to pin PA4 found that when compiling the sample program is used, the ROM and RAM usage are 80% and 21% respectively as reported by the Arduino IDE as follows.
Sketch uses 13188 bytes (80%) of program storage space. Maximum is 16384 bytes.
Global variables use 876 bytes (21%) of dynamic memory, leaving 3220 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 4096 bytes.
In the last Unity3D article, some of the features in the program were mentioned. In this article, we would like to mention one interesting feature, which is the use of GPS in Unity3D, especially for beginners. Because the program has relatively simple use of GPS.
From the article Controlling a Servo 2-Wheel Robot in the ESP8266+RoboServo and the DC electric motor in VisionRobo Car: Drive Motor, we have taken the 2nd built-in robot car from the Raspberry Pi to the ESP8266 to operate via WiFi using the guidelines from the ESP-01s+Relay article. Let’s rewrite Arduino’s C/C++ with the WebServer class from the ESP8266 article to MicroPython. Thus, by the end of this article, the robot can be operated in the first example by connecting a phone or communication device. Go to and order it to go forward, backward, turn left, turn right, or stop.
This article is about programming C/C++ with Arduino Nano, Arduino Uno, LGT8F328P or other boards with C-capable platforms. A pointer is used to point to a memory address and memory management methods, including memory reservation memory access and deactivating the use of memory to create a method for storing data in a Single Linked List along with an example program used to store a list of temperature and humidity values from the DHT11 module as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Microcontroller with LGT8F328P and DHT11 module