technology and health

  1. Into 3D printing [TH][EN]
  2. Office Syndrome our series : PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME [TH][EN]
  3. Filaments :: [TH]
  4. การตั้งค่า Slicer เบื้องต้นสำหรับการพิมพ์ 3 มิติ
  5. เครื่องพิมพ์ 3 มิติ Ender 3 V2 :: Ender 3 V2 [EN]

Raspberry Pi/AI/Game

  1. Ohm’s Law [TH][EN]
  2. Thonny [TH][EN]
  3. RPi and Network
    1. Raspberry Pi 3 With Bootable SSD Drive [TH][EN]
    2. How to serial communication on Ubuntu [TH][EN]
    3. How to install MariaDB on Raspberry Pi [TH][EN]
    4. LAMP on Raspberry Pi [TH][EN]
    5. Communication on Internet Protocol [TH]
    6. Node.js on Raspberry Pi [TH][EN]
    7. Node.js&Phaser.js [TH][EN]
    8. Python multi-threaded programming [TH][]
    9. List the serial ports connected to the RPi with pySerial. [TH][EN]
    10. ลองเล่น Cython Maker Pi PICO ด้วย CircuitPython [TH] :: Cytron Maker Pi PICO with CircuitPython
    11. Reading the Accelerator sensor with raspberry pi via I2C Bus. [TH][EN]
    12. GPIO/Sensor/ActuatorRaspberry Pi & Ultrasonic Sensor [TH][EN]
    13. VisionRobo Car: Drive Motor [TH][EN]
  4. Quiz
    1. How to calculate the percentage of head or tails occurrence of a one coin. [TH][EN]
    2. How to finds the nth data from a list? [TH][EN]
  5. AI & Algorithm
    1. Sipeed MaixPy
      1. Hi, MaixPy [TH][EN]
      2. Maix Class [TH][EN]
      3. The MaixPy’s lcd class. [TH][EN]
      4. The MaixPy’s image class Part 1. draw and find something. [TH][EN]
    2. Speech to Text & Text to Speech [TH][EN] … NLP
    3. QRCode Detected! [TH][EN] … ComputerVision
    4. สร้างและอ่าน QR Code [TH][EN]
    5. Calculate Regression with MicroPython on esp32-C3. [TH][EN] … ML
    6. Calculate Regression with NumPy. [TH][EN] … ML
    7. Data Structure and Algorithm
      1. Queue Data Structure [TH][EN]
      2. Binary Search Tree data structure programming with Python. [TH][EN]
  6. Data Science
    1. Installing numPy and matplotlib on Raspberry Pi [TH][EN]
    2. Pandas [TH][EN]
    3. scikit-learn
    4. seaborn
  7. GUI & Game
    1. PyGame (code)
    2. C#/Unity/Godot
      1. Unity3D สุดยอดโปรแกรมสร้างเกม (Thai) Unity3D The great game maker [EN]
      2. การใช้ GPS ใน Unity3D (Thai) Using GPS in Unity3D [EN]
      3. การแสกน QR Code และแสดงวัตถุสามมิติใน Unity3D (Thai)
      4. Scanning a QR Code and displaying 3D objects in Unity3D
      5. Hosting Unity WebGL game on the sever [TH]
      6. พื้นฐาน C# [TH][EN]
      7. Godot: C# Script Ep.1 [TH][EN]
      8. Unity Ep6 Move forward, backward and jump. [TH]
    3. PYQt5
      1. PyQt5 [TH][EN] :: QWidget, QButton
      2. List the serial ports connected to the RPi with pySerial and PyQt5. [TH][EN] :: QComboBox, QLabel
      3. LEDs on/off via PyQt5 and serial communication. [TH][EN] :: QCheckBox
    4. PyOpenGL [TH][EN]
    5. เกมกดให้ทัน [TH][EN]
    6. PyGlet [TH][EN]
    7. PyTk [TH][EN]
    8. Game
      1. Tic-Tac-Toe
        1. เกม Tic-Tac-Toe :: Tic-Tac-Toe
        2. ESP32-ML4M กับเกม Tic-Tac-Toe ภาคจบ :: Tic-Tac-Toe Ep.2
      2. ESP32-ML4M กับเกม 15-Puzzle :: 15-Puzzle Game
      3. เกมวิ่งเก็บธงในเขาวงกด :: Collecting flags in a maze
      4. Simple Tetris
        1. Simple Tetris Ep.1 :: [TH][EN]
        2. Simple Tetris Ep.2 :: [TH][EN]
        3. Simple Tetris Ep.3 :: [TH][EN]
      5. Simple MineSweeper [TH][EN]
    9. Blender
      1. Low Poly Man [TH][EN]
      2. Animation Tab [TH][EN]
    10. GodotEngine
      1. Ep1

Micropython ESP32/ESP8266/micro:bit

  1. Review TTGO T8 ESP32 [TH][EN]
  2. Introduction to micro:bit [TH][EN]
  3. How to compile MicroPython
    1. How To Compile MicroPython To Use With ESP32. [TH][EN]
    2. How to build MicroPython for esp32-s2. [TH][EN]
    3. How to build MicroPython for esp32-C3. [TH][EN]
    4. How to build MicroPython for SAM-D21. [TH][EN]
  4. Let’s have fun doing time-lapse with ESP32CAM. [TH][EN]
  6. List Class Application Node: Count the frequency from a random value. [TH][EN]
  7. ปรับแต่งไลบรารี st7735 blue-tab 0.96 นิ้ว :: Improve st7735 blue-tab/red-tab 0.96 ” library
  8. การเขียนโปรแกรมไคลเอนต์/เซิร์ฟเวอร์สำหรับสถานีอากาศผ่านระบบเครือข่ายไร้สาย :: Client/Server Programming for Weather Stations via Wireless Networking
  9. The dCore-espWST:: ต้นแบบบอร์ดอุณหภูมิความชื้น LDR และสวิตช์ [TH][EN]
  10. Control movement from a joystick via WiFi with MicroPython. [TH][EN]
  11. Draw an analog clock using MicroPython. [TH][EN]
  12. How to make the stopwatch? [TH][EN]
  13. Play the Wav File with ESP32. [TH][EN]
  14. classes
    1. ESP8266 WIFI [TH][EN]
    2. ESP8266 TIME LIBRARY [TH][EN]
    3. ESP8266/ESP32 WiFi
    4. ESP8266/ESP32: An Interrupt in MicroPython [TH][EN]
    5. ( machine.ADC/machine.DAC) Using ESP32’s ADC and DAC with MicroPython. [TH][EN]
    7. esp/esp32 class [TH][EN]
    8. machine.Timer [TH][EN]
    9. machine.Pin [TH][EN]
    10. machine.SPI [TH][EN]
    11. machine.RTC [TH][EN]
    12. esp8266/esp32: random [TH][EN]
    13. esp32: _thread [TH][EN]
    14. The MicroPython Internal File System. [TH][EN]
    15. Machine.PWM [TH][EN]
    16. pyb::USB_HID/USB_VCP [TH][EN]
  15. Sensor/Module
    1. ESP8266 Control Relay [TH][EN]
    2. ESP32 & NEO-6MV2 GPS Module [TH][EN]
    4. ESP8266 and 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer [TH][EN]
    5. Using the DHT22/DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module with ESP8266 [TH][EN]
    6. Digital Compass Sensor [TH][EN]
    7. DHT11 Web Report [TH][EN]
    8. แถบแสดงค่าอุณหภูมิและความชื้น :: Temperature and Humidity indicator bar
    9. ใช้งาน DAC12 บิตกับ MicroPython :: How to use the DAC MCP4922.
    10. Robo Car
      1. ESP8266+RoboServo [TH][EN]
      2. ESP8266 RoboCar+Ultrasonic Sensor [TH][EN]
    11. RTC (Real-Time Clock)
      1. ESP32: RTC DS1302 and MicroPython [TH][EN]
      2. ESP8266+PCF8583 [TH][EN]
    12. Display
      1. ESP32: ST7735S 0.96″ 80×160 TFT LCD [TH][EN]
      2. ESP8266+ST7735S TFT LCD 0.96″ 80×160 RGB565 [TH][EN]
      3. ESP8266 and I2C LCD 16×2 [TH][EN]
      4. ESP8266/ESP32 and OLED [TH][EN]
      5. micro:bit, MAX7219 Dot Matrix 8×32 Display [TH][EN]
  16. ulab (numpy/scipy on esp32/esp8266)
    1. EP 1 Getting Started [TH][EN]
    2. EP 2 array [TH][EN]
    3. EP 3 vector [TH][EN]
    4. EP 4 linalg [TH][EN]
    5. EP 5 numerical [TH][EN]
    6. EP 6 compare [TH][EN]
    7. EP 7 approx [TH][EN]
    8. EP 8 poly, fft and filter [TH][EN]
    9. ESP32: Display of rotation squares with application ulab. [TH][EN]
    10. ulab 3 [TH][EN]


  1. Arduino
    1. Let’s Play the Arduino on Ubuntu [TH][EN]
    2. Generate temperature and humidity graphs with data from Singly Linked List. [TH][EN]
    3. ควบคุมการเคลื่อนที่หุ่นยนต์รถผ่านบราวเซอร์ด้วย esp8266 [TH] Control the movement of the robot car through the browser with the esp8266.[EN]
    4. ควบคุมการเคลื่อนที่หุ่นยนต์รถผ่านบราวเซอร์ด้วย esp8266 Part 2 [TH][EN}
    5. Boards & Configuration
      1. Arduino Uno [TH][EN]
      2. ESP32/ESP8266 [TH][EN]
      3. Arduino STM32: EP1 Blink 8 LEDs
      4. LGT8F328P [TH][EN]
      5. ET-BASE AVR EASY4809 [TH][EN]
      6. STM32F030F4P6 [TH][EN]
      7. ET-EASY MEGA1280 [Part1:TH][Part2:TH]
      8. ESP-01/ESP-01s [TH][EN]
      9. Understand and use the ESP32-C3 [TH][EN]
      10. Cortex-M0+: SAMD21 [TH][EN]
    6. I/O, Classes, Libraries
      1. Serial Class (USART) [TH][EN]
      2. SoftwareSerial Class [TH][EN]
      3. ESP8266 GPIO: pinMode, digitalWrite, digitalRead, analogRead [TH][EN]
      4. DHT Sensor [TH][EN]
      5. ESP8266 & TFT LCD [TH][EN]
      6. Arduino STM32: EP2 ADC
      7. Arduino STM32: EP4 DIY Temperature Measurement
      8. Arduino STM32: EP5 7-Segment
      9. Joystick Module [TH][EN]
      10. Joystick Shield [TH][EN]
      11. I2C Bus
        1. I2C Bus/Wire.h [TH][EN]
        2. RTC PCF8583 [TH][EN]
        3. Arduino STM32: EP3 I2C LCD 16×2
      12. SPI Bus [EN]
      13. RTC DS1302 [TH][EN]
      14. ESP8266WiFi [TH][EN]
      15. WiFiClient [TH][EN]
      16. WiFiServer [TH][EN]
      17. ESP8266 WebServer [TH][EN]
      18. ESP-01/01s Relay 4.0 [TH][EN]
      19. ST7735s
        1. ESP32, ESP8266, STM32F103C [TH][EN]
        2. ESP32-S2 [TH][EN]
      20. ESP Class (ESP.h) [TH][EN]
      21. u8g2
        1. u8g2 Library [TH][EN]
        2. How to render the Thai string correctly? [TH][EN]
      22. Ticker Class : esp8266 Timer Interrupt [TH][EN]
      23. NTPClient, TimeLib [TH][EN]
      24. ESP-NOW [TH][EN]
      25. LittleFS Filesystem [TH][EN]
      26. How to used RPi 3.5″ TFT LCD&Touch Shield with esp32? [TH][EN]
      27. How to used Arduino 2.4″ TFT LCD&Touch Shield with STM32F401? [TH][EN]
      28. Arduino ADC/DAC
        1. SAM-D21 and ESP32 [TH][EN]
        2. LGT8F328P [TH][EN]
        3. STM32L432KC [TH][EN]
        4. ESP32-S2 [TH][EN]
        5. STM32F103CBT6 ADC&LDR. [TH][EN]
      29. Try the SoftHost USB library for ESP32. [TH][EN]
      30. ESP32 PWM. [TH][EN]
  2. C/C++
    1. Data types [TH][EN]
    2. Operators [TH][EN]
    3. Expression [TH][EN]
    4. Condition [TH][EN]
    5. Repetition [TH][EN]
    6. Singly Linked-List [TH][EN]
    7. Doubly Linked-List [TH][EN]
    8. Stack [TH][EN]
    9. Queue [TH][EN]
    10. Binary Search Tree [TH][EN]
  3. ESP-IDF
    1. ep 1 ESP-IDF on Raspberry Pi [TH][EN]
    2. ep 2 Hello World! [TH][EN]
    3. ep 3 GPIO Output [TH][EN]
    4. ep 4 Understand and use the ESP32-C3 [TH][EN]
    5. ep 5 GPIO Input [TH][EN]
    6. ep.6 : ADC Input [TH][EN]
    7. ep 7 : DAC Output [TH][EN]
    8. ep 8 : DAC Output Part 2 [TH][EN]
    9. ep.9 : LEDC (PWM) Output [TH][EN]
    10. ep.10 : Control the Servo Motor with LEDC. [TH][EN]
  4. STM32Bare Metal Cortex-M
    1. ep 1 Prelude [TH][EN]
    2. ep 2 Digital Write [TH][EN]
    3. ep 3 Digital Read [TH][EN]
    4. ep 4 UART Transmit/Receive [TH][EN]
    5. ep 5 ADC [TH][EN]
    6. ep 6 The Locomotion Robot Car [TH][EN]
  5. PIC18F458
    1. ep 1 อุปกรณ์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง [TH] :: PIC18F458/PIC16F877 Ep.1 Related Devices
    2. ep 2 เจาะรายละเอียด PIC18F458 [TH] :: PIC18F458 Ep.2 Into the details
    3. ep 3 An Introduction to Using MPLAB X IDE with XC8. [TH] :: PIC18F458 Ep.3 An Introduction to Using MPLAB X IDE with XC8.
    4. ep 4 GPIO [TH] :: PIC18F458 Ep.4 GPIO
    5. ep.5 GPIO and 7-Segments [TH] :: PIC18F458 Ep.5 GPIO and 7-Segments
    6. ep.6 ADC [TH] :: PIC18F458 Ep.6 ADC