[EN] Installing NumPy and Matplotlib on Raspberry Pi

This article guides on installing the NumPy and Matplotlib libraries on the Raspberry Pi board for computing (Read an example of using numpy for small devices in the ulab article) and shows results. The article discusses installation, upgrades and basic usage to guide further implementation. As for the use of Raspberry Pi with Python programming language, you can find more information from various knowledge sources or support our team by purchasing a book or finding a Raspberry Pi 4 4GB board that can be purchased from various retailers or from here, Though, we use a Raspberry Pi 3 B+.

[EN] ulab EP 7 approx

EP 7 of the ulab library series deals with the approx submodule used for approximation of numbers, function results or find the root of a function using bisect or newton method and trapz determination. In this article, we discuss the roles of each function and how to use them and sample programs as a guideline for further study and application.

[EN] ulab EP 5 numerical

บThe ulab EP 5 discusses the numerical submodule used to calculate the minimum, maximum, sum, mean, and standard deviation. Enable convenience for working in calculating preliminary statistics. The article describes the functionality of the numerical submodule with an example program to illustrate how it works.

[EN] ESP32 : Display of rotation squares with application ulab.

This article uses the ESP32 to rotate squares using the ulab library and to display the results of the calculations on the ST7735s LCD graphics module as written in the previous article. The example of the program consists of rotating a square in a clockwise direction and rotating multiple squares in opposite directions

(Video 1 An example of the performance with the display speed adjusted.)

[EN] ulab EP 4 linalg

EP 4 of the ulab library is about the linalg submodule used for linear algebra calculations which is applied to solve linear problems. And it is a tool to predict or study the nature of what happens in a linear way. This article discusses the functions of the linalg submodule and some basic usage examples.

[EN] ulab EP1 Getting Started

For ESP8266’s MicroPython to perform mathematical calculations like using Python’s numpy library, MicroPython with ulab must be installed. You can download firmware for ESP8266 HERE. For normal ESP32 and with additional PSRAM (SPIRAM).

This article is an introduction to ulab and an overview of the libraries within ulab for further application.

(Figure. 1 MicroPython+ulab firmware on RSP8266