The article discusses the use of communication developed by espressif to communicate between its microcontrollers via wireless communication, as an alternative to the development of a non-linear  Client/Server system. It describes the working process of working as a service provider, commander, and a set of related instructions through the Arduino core, along with explaining the working examples that come with both Arduino cores, which are basic and Multi-slave, which can be applied variously.

[EN] ST7735s

This article describes setting up the Arduino’s TFT_eSPI library to use the ST7735s-controlled TFT LCD that was written as an example in a previous article in Python. We found that there are 2 0.96″ LCD IPS ST7735s models, which are GREENTAB160x80 and REDTAB160x80. Both modules differ in the spacing between them, as shown in Figure 1. This article uses the ESP8266, ESP32 DO-IT DevKit version with ESP32CAM and STM32F103C8T6. It is a board to test the functionality of the program.

(Figure. 1 0.96” IPS TFT module)

[EN] Improve st7735 blue-tab/red-tab 0.96 ” library

This article is an update of the st7735 library file for Micropython by Billy Cheung (accessed 2021-09-07) published on github. It is a library that has been updated by Guy Caver to support ST7735s. The required libraries include st7735.py and sysfont.py Guy Carver implements esp8266 and esp32 to provide better display speed through the principle of display buffering for pixel storage and additional instructions for sending data from buffer to TFT module via SPI bus.

(Figure. 1 dCore-miniML board with ST7735 0.96″ display module installed)

[EN] The dCore-espWST

This article recommends using the esp8266 to read temperature and humidity from the DHT11 sensor, the voltage from the LDR sensor, received from the switch, and display via OLED with MicroPython’s Python language, this feature is the dCore-espWST board we are using (Which in the previous article we used the dCore-esp32WST with the same design, but using esp32, but the program code can still be used with the model board) and is a board for use in teaching IoT subjects. The prototype structure of the board is as shown in Figure 1, which is normally used with a battery power supply unit with a solar panel charging circuit.

(Figure. 1 dCore-espWSTprototype)

[EN] The MicroPython Internal File System.

This article is an implementation of the MicroPython file system using the esp8266 and esp32 microcontroller boards as an experimental board. The file system usage involves directories and files including connecting the device to be seen as a MicroPython file system, for example, connecting to an SD-Card to see it as a system directory, etc. It uses the os class to create, open, access, write data and disable files which will be part of MicroPython’s file class.

[EN] ESP8266/ESP32 WiFi

The ESP8266 and ESP32 boards are equipped with built-in WiFi connectivity. They can work in both self-application mode (Access Point) and client mode connected to an existing WiFi network or STA. Developers can set the device name (ESSID) or use the default name from the system as MicroPython-xxxx, where x represents the MAC Address of the device, the password is micropythoN (developers can assign new) and the IP Address (IP Address) is

(Figure. Our ESP8266+Uno)

[EN] Display time from NTP and TimeLib with esp8266

This article is an example of using the Arduino framework’s NTP and TimeLib libraries with either the ESP-01s (Figure 1) or esp8266 to report the current time via the web served by the esp8266, which in this example is called NTPClient and TimeLib libraries. An Internet connection is required to read the date and time from an NTP provider such as time.nist.gov.

(Figure. 1 ESP-01s on dCore-0 v.0.7)

[EN] List Class Application Node: Count the frequency from a random value.

This article is an application of Python’s list data structure to store the frequency count of random numbers which is useful for further statistical use. This article relies on knowledge of random numbers and using list type variables tested with Micropython on esp8266 and esp32 microcontrollers.

(Figure. 1 Histogram display of data)